A division of Dr. Roshan Lal Memorial Trust

Roshan Smriti

Who We Are

Roshan smriti

At Roshan Smriti, we redefine the essence of ageing. We understand that growing old is not merely a passage of time, but a tapestry woven with stories, experiences, and wisdom.

Founded by Dr. Bipin Chauhan and Dr. Suman Chauhan, our journey began with a heartfelt mission: to bring love, care, and respect to the golden years of life....Read more

Retirement Homes & Elderly Care Home in Delhi Noida

Roshan Smriti is one of the most reliable retirement homes in Noida, providing a nurturing environment for seniors. More than just a retirement home, it is a haven of trust and care. We don't just offer shelter, we nurture stories, dreams, and a vibrant tapestry of golden years. Founded by renowned Geriatricians Dr. Bipin and Dr. Suman Chauhan, our commitment to senior well-being runs deep. Imagine cosy spaces bathed in warmth, filled with familiar touches and thoughtful amenities. From comprehensive medical support to engaging activities and personalized attention, we cater to every need – body, mind, and soul. It indeed grants an opening for senior citizens to forge new friendships, rediscover joy in shared laughter, and celebrate life in the company of peers. Most importantly, knowing your loved ones are safe, cherished, and thriving brings a priceless sense of comfort.

Facilities Available

Worried about your loved one's well-being? Worry no more! At Roshan Smriti, we specialise in comprehensive elderly care that envelops them in comfort, safety, and specialized attention. There is dedicated medical support, engaging activities, and warm, tailor-made spaces for their needs. Perhaps it's a haven where golden years shine and not just simply pass by. If you seek an exceptional old age home in Noida, Roshan Smriti is the definitive destination to fulfil your quest with unparalleled care and comfort.

Our facility offers personalized assistance and care plans catering to the individual needs and preferences of the elderly. With meticulous precision, we distil the essence of individual well-being. Our forte isn't just care, it's a heartfelt commitment to crafting unique tapestries of comfort and joy for every resident entrusted to us. From medical quirks to cherished routines, we celebrate individuality, weaving personalized assistance that ensures every golden year shimmers with comfort and joy. Imagine smiles blooming as we cater to preferences, not just protocols. It's a haven where ageing with grace truly shines, and this indeed makes Roshan Smriti the best old age home in Delhi.

Join Us in Embracing the Golden Years

THE FOUNDERS SPEAK | Dr Bipin Chauhan & Dr Suman Chauhan

At Roshan Smriti, every day is a celebration of life. We invite you to explore our home, where age embraces grace, and every resident is cherished. Together, let’s redefine ageing, one smile at a time. Join us in the journey of love, care, and respect at Roshan Smriti – where your family becomes ours, and every moment is precious.

Roshan Smriti stands as a beacon of sophistication among luxury old age homes in Noida, offering opulent living spaces and premium services for a distinguished lifestyle.

Comfortable and Peaceful Living

Wholesome Nutrition, Five Times a Day

Savour the goodness of health with our five-time healthy meals, meticulously crafted to provide essential nutrients and cater to individual dietary needs.

Therapeutic Games and Activities

Engage in stimulating games and activities designed to enhance cognitive abilities, promote social interactions, and create moments of joy and laughter.

Daily Vital Check-Up

Your health is our priority. Our trained staff conducts daily vital check-ups to ensure your well-being is monitored, allowing you to live with peace of mind.

Embrace the Serenity of Yoga and Exercise

Nurture your body and mind with daily yoga and exercise sessions. Our expert instructors guide you through gentle movements, fostering strength, flexibility, and inner peace.

Medication Monitoring

Rest easy knowing our team of healthcare professionals meticulously monitors your medications, ensuring timely and accurate doses for your well-being.

Spiritual Harmony with Bhajan Sandhya

Find solace in our serene Bhajan Sandhya sessions, embracing the tranquillity of music, meditation, and spiritual connection.

Focus on Physical, Mental, and Social Well-being

We emphasize a balanced approach, encouraging physical activities, stimulating mental exercises, and fostering social connections to create a holistic sense of well-being.

Emergency Evacuation to Hospital

In case of emergencies, our swift and efficient evacuation services ensure immediate assistance, prioritizing your safety and security.

Attendants Available 24x7 on Each Floor

Our dedicated attendants are available round the clock on every floor, ready to assist you with any need, providing personalized care and attention.

Ensuring Quality Care for Your Loved Ones

Providing a safe and secure environment, Roshan Smriti ensures peace of mind for families and residents alike. Our secure haven wraps residents in the comfort of unwavering care. Advanced systems and vigilant staff stand guard, while a culture of warmth and attentiveness makes safety synonymous with serenity. Here, families breathe easy knowing their loved ones thrive in a sanctuary tailored to both protection and joy. No wonder our name gleams among the elite when it comes to selecting the paramount elder care home in Noida.

We promote an active lifestyle through various engaging activities, fostering social connections and mental stimulation. From invigorating fitness classes to lively game nights, we weave social connections and mental stimulation into everyday routines. Here, an active lifestyle is not just encouraged, it's celebrated – promising that the golden years shine with purpose and bliss. Put an end to searching for your loved one's exceptional elderly care in Noida. After all, we tailor every moment to their well-being!

Let's give our elders a life of love, dignity, and peace. Old age is not about suffering, but instead the enjoyment and celebration of life.

-Dr. Bipin Chauhan, Founder

What our residents attendants